Installation of Progressivis#

Installation for users#

If you only need the Progressivis core, install the progressivis package. If you need Progressivis with visualizations or if you don’t know all your needs in advance install ipyprogressivis (which will also install progressivis as a dependency). Installation procedures are similar between progressivis and ipyprogressivis, so in the following [ipy]progressivis means progressivis or ipyprogressivis

Currently these installations have been tested only with Linux.

With miniconda/anaconda:#

  1. Install (if not installed yet) the latest version of miniconda or anaconda. As explained previously for miniforge you can use a conda environment of your choice. ​

  2. Install the progressivis/ipyprogressivis package:

conda install mamba -c conda-forge  # if not installed yet
mamba install [ipy]progressivis -c progressivis -c conda-forge

NB: If you prefer, you can omit the mamba installation and use conda instead.

With pip#

In the future, you should be able to install [Ipy]ProgressiVis with:

pip install [ipy]progressivis

Installation for developers#

Installing ProgressiVis#

  1. Clone the progressivis repository from along with its submodules, with the command:

git clone --recurse-submodules
# then
cd progressivis

It is not mandatory, but it is preferable to install progressivis in a dedicated python environment, created for example with conda. If you don’t want to work in a conda environment, skip the following 2 steps.

  1. Create a conda environment with the following command:

conda create -n myenv python=3.11 -c conda-forge
  1. Activate this environment:

conda activate myenv
  1. Execute the following command:

pip install -e .

Installing IpyProgressiVis#

  1. Clone the progressivis repository from with the command:

git clone
# then
cd ipyprogressivis
  1. If you choose to work in a conda environment, follow the steps 2 and 3 described previously for progressivis to create and activate an environment.

  2. Depending on your development goals, install progressivis for users or for developpement

  3. Install yarn v1 vith nodejs v18 in your environment

conda install yarn=1 -c conda-forge
  1. Execute the following command:

pip install -e .